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Can You Design A Math Maze Using KaiBot?


Objective: Design a math maze and use math equation solutions to determine the number of spaces to move through the maze. Work in groups of 2 or 3 and compete to finish the maze first.

Materials: (per group)



  1. Maze Design:
    • Divide the students into groups of 2 or 3 and provide each group with graph paper or copy paper.
    • Instruct them to design a maze using rulers and pencils/markers.
    • The maze should have a clear start and end point.
    • Encourage creativity in maze design by adding obstacles, dead-ends, or branching paths.
    • Note that the students maze is limited to 10 tiles. (You can add more if desired and you have the tiles) I suggest not using tiles with younger students to simplify the activity
  2. Maze Build:
    • Groups will construct their physical mazes according to their sketched designs.  As they build, they should make any adjustments they deem necessary based on oversights during the planning process.
  3. Math Equations:
    • As the teacher, prepare a set of math equations suitable for the age and skill level of the students.
    • The equations should cover a range of difficulties to provide a challenge.
    • Each equation should have a unique numeric solution.
  4. Placing Equations:
    • Assign each group a set of equations, ensuring they receive different sets.  Be sure that the solutions provide enough moves to complete the maze.
    • Explain to the students that they must place the equations within their maze.
    • The equations should be placed strategically throughout the maze, with different difficulties along the path.
  5. Solving Equations and Moving through the Maze:
    • Instruct the groups to solve the equations provided by the teacher.
    • Once they obtain the numeric solution, they can use it to determine the number of spaces they can move.
    • If the solution is a single-digit number, they have only one option to move forward.
    • If the solution is a multi-digit number, they can choose any of the digits within the answer to determine their number of spaces to move.
  6. Maze Race:
    • Once the groups have completed their maze design and placed the equations, start the race.
    • Each group should start their maze simultaneously.
    • They must solve the equations and move through the maze using the numeric solutions they obtain.
    • The goal is to reach the end of the maze in the shortest time by solving the equations efficiently.
  7. Competition and Reflection:
    • As the groups race to complete their mazes, encourage friendly competition and teamwork within each group.
    • Once all the groups have finished, have them complete the Student Reflections handout.
    • Reflect on the experience as a class.
    • Ask the groups to share their experiences and what they learned from the challenge.

Remember to provide equations that suit the appropriate age and skill level of the students, allowing for engagement, competition, and mathematical growth.

Extension Activity: Maze Coding Challenge

To extend this challenge and  students’ coding skills,you can incorporate the Kainundrum.com platform. After designing their maze and adding math equations, students upload their maze layout onto the platform. They have the option to enhance complexity by adding features like lasers or coins. Using the platform's coding tools, students program KaiBot to navigate the maze using the most efficient algorithm.  Throughout the activity, students test and optimize their code to find the most efficient algorithm. A friendly competition caps off the challenge, where students race to successfully navigate KaiBot through the maze in the shortest time. 

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